Can biotechnology education thrive without grades?

Imagine a world where the anxiety of grades dissipates, and the thrill of true learning takes center stage. This is the promise of ungrading—a revolutionary teaching approach that emphasizes mastery, encourages genuine curiosity, and prepares students for the complexities of…

Three great YouTube channels for science… and a bonus!

Do you ever use video content for your lessons? Whether it’s a quick clip to kick off a lesson and grab everyone’s attention, or a detailed documentary to deepen understanding, videos can help you tailor content to diverse learning styles.…

Bio-Poets Unite! (Or Resources for National Poetry Month)

There’s an incredible synergy between science and poetry. Our bio bias aside, we think that biology, the study of life, is brimming with marvels and mysteries waiting to be uncovered, discovered, and shared. And what better way than through lyrical…